
Tina Calderon

Tina Calderon is of Gabrielino Tongva, Chumash, Mexican and Yoeme descent. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, niece and auntie to many. After retiring from a Career as Operations Manager in the Manufacturing Industry Tina began Homeschooling her Grandson and devoting time to her culture and language. Tina is currently on the Tongva Language Committee and she is a student learning the Šmuwič dialog of Chumash. She also serves on the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) for the Fernandeño Tataviam Tribe’s Education and Cultural Learning Department. Tina is also a singer who enjoys creative writing and composing poems and songs. She is the culture bearer for her family, as well as a traditional dancer and storyteller who strongly believes in honoring her ancestors by sharing their history and educating others about their tribal relevance.